Access Great Savings at the Exchange at Fort Ord in the Ord Military Community, CA

At, we are a one-stop shop for exchange and commissary discounts for military families at Ford Ord in the Ord Military Community and throughout the nation. We understand how laborious it can be to search multiple coupon websites to find deals that work for you, so we brought together savings opportunities from a variety of sources, including links to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES). With, all you need to do in order to gain access to the wealth of discounts and savings tools we offer is sign up for our free membership program, which only takes a moment.
Once you’re all signed up for your account, you’ll be able to set your location to Fort Ord on the My Home Base page. This landing page is a personalized homepage made just for you and other residents of your base that showcases local community events and sweepstakes, as well as details about your exchange store, such as hours and location as well as current savings on popular items, including:
- Beer, wine, and spirits
- Baby needs
- Clothes
- Cosmetics
- Fine jewelry
- Pet supplies
- Shoes
- And more
For even more discount opportunities, check out our exclusive exchange sweepstakes for exciting giveaways.
To learn more about the discounts we offer for shopping at the Fort Ord exchange, enroll for your free membership at today. We thank you for your service to our great country.