Fantastic Savings for Commissary Shopping on McChord AFB near Lakewood, WA

If your search for commissary discounts that you can use on your next shopping trip on McChord Air Force Base in the Lakewood, Washington, area is taking too much time and effort, now’s the time to join Membership is totally free and provides you with access to hundreds of discounts that we’ve brought together from a variety of sources to eliminate the hassle of jumping from site to site looking for the right deals. Plus, we’ll provide you with easy access to the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) website, where you can load your Rewards Card with digital coupons that are applied instantly at checkout.
Don’t forget to set your My Home Base page to McChord AFB so that you can see helpful information about your local commissary and exchange stores, as well as exclusive sweepstakes and upcoming events. Also, you can check out the My Home Base Digital Circulars for all kinds of savings on your favorite items from the commissary, such as:
- Produce
- Pet supplies
- Cleaning supplies
- Toiletries
- Condiments
- Baby needs
- Bottled water
- Cereal
- Soft drinks
- And more
When you’re ready to check out the mountain of up-to-the-minute savings that we offer to military shoppers just like you for the commissary at McChord AFB, sign up for your free account at today.