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Commissary and Exchange Savings Opportunities for Military Shoppers at Selfridge ANGB in Harrison Township, MI

Commissary Exchange Selfridge ANGB

When shopping at the exchange and commissary at Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Harrison Township, Michigan, it isn’t always easy to find discounts on the items you need. Plus, scouring the internet for deals from a variety of sources takes up valuable time that many military shoppers simply don’t have. That’s why, at, we’ve gathered together discount information from a variety of sources into one easy-to-navigate site so members of the armed forces can quickly find what they need in order to save big at the commissary and exchange.

In order to start taking advantage of these deals for your next shopping trip at the commissary or exchange at Selfridge ANGB, all you need is a free account with Then, you’ll be able to enjoy such helpful savings tools as:

  • The My Home Base Circular, our interactive ad that updates monthly with the latest coupons and more for the commissary and exchange
  • The My Home Base page, a landing page where you can see local deals and other information
  • A link to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), where you can find coupons and savings information
  • Free e-newsletters delivered each week with links to digital copies of the latest Coupon Connexion and Price Connexion

You’ll also be able to access the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) website, where you can download coupons onto your Rewards Card for instant savings on your next shopping trip. Plus, with our “My Shopping List” tool, you can create a digital shopping list just by clicking items on our site, then print it or take it with you on your smartphone for your next visit to the commissary or exchange.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you save time and money at the Selfridge ANGB commissary and exchange, enroll today for your free account at

Serve.  Save.  Enjoy.