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Helpful Savings Tools for Commissary and Exchange Shopping at Hickam AFB, HI

Commissary Exchange Hickam AFB

The commissary and exchange savings opportunities you’ll find on are sure to make life easier on your time and shopping budget at Hickam Field, formerly Hickam Air Force Base, in Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam near Honolulu, Hawaii. We are familiar with how difficult military life can be for you and your family, which is why we’ve searched far and wide throughout the internet to gather savings together from all the best sources so that you don’t have to. All you need is a free account on our site, and you’ll be able to start saving on the products you need from the exchange and commissary.

At, we’ve made it our mission to help you and other military shoppers at Hickam AFB and around the world easily find savings at the commissary and exchange. To that end, we offer such helpful resources as:

  • A free weekly e-newsletter that includes links to digital copies of the Coupon Connexion and Price Connexion so you can plan ahead for shopping at the exchange and commissary
  • The My Home Base Circular, an interactive monthly ad full of savings information, sweepstakes, and more
  • The “My Shopping List” tool, which allows you to build a digital shopping list from our site, then print it or take it with you on your smartphone
  • The My Home Base page, where you can set your location to Hickam AFB and view personalized savings information for the local exchange and commissary

Our site also includes links to other trusted coupon sources for even more savings, including the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) and the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). And, at the DeCA site, you can register your Rewards Card and load coupons to it for fast and easy discounts.

For more information about the resources we offer for saving money at the Hickam AFB commissary and exchange, sign up for your free account at today.

Serve.  Save.  Enjoy.